Friday, May 27



Well, today all we basically did was get lost and walk around a whole lot. Our first stop was to the train station to reserve our seat for our trip to Nice on sunday. It took a while because we couldn’t figure out where in the station we were supposed to do that, plus nobody really spoke any English either.

Then we were planning on going to some cemetery. It must be famous for something; for what I don’t know, but I guess chris wouldn’t take there unless it was. Anyway, it took us forever to find it and when we did it was closed. Then we tried going to the river and got lost going there. I am not even sure if we were in paris at that point. I finally overheard someone speaking English and asked the, for directions. They were truly God sent. So yeah, today was just full of nothing except for walking around in paris. Don’t you wish you were here walking and seeing nothing?

anyway, my online time is almost up. in case you missed the one i did earlier today, scroll down



...seems so far away
now i need a place to hide away
oh yesterday came suddenly

Yesterday was our most productive day based off of the amount of things we saw. We saw the notre dame cathedral, some other museum, and some huge beautiful garden. They are all famous so forgive me for not knowing what they are called, but im sure you all will know once you see them in the pictures. Oh yeah, we also saw the pantheon, which has been my favorite thing so far…it’s the roman style building that had the tombs of famous people in them.

We also ate in our first real French place yeserday. I had this dish that had bread on the bottom with cheese and chicken on top. They brought our tap Water in a wine glass bottle too. We ate outside which isn’t a hassle at all because the weather is so nice. It could be a little hotter but since there are so many buildings it provides shade everywhere you go.

Other than eating at that restaurant I have been eating a lot of fruit bread and cheese. Its not too bad but I think im going to start spending a little more money on food. When I go to the grocery store I pretty much use up all the French vocabulary I have: mersi and bonjur: thank you and goodbye. Its been good enough for now. I think the French people have been pretty patient with me as well, and I think that’s because we try and use French. Yesterday our waitress helped me with the language after I botched it trying to say “can I have” such and such.

So I have been grateful; the Lord really has ganted us favor with the people so far. Oh except for one incedent when I was walking down the street and bumped shoulders with someone. I didn’t say anything, and I probably should have becuasue chris said the guy clinched his fist like he was about to punch me. I know one thing, he better be glad he didn’t.

That’s all for now I guess. Mom, I am glad to hear dominic is there. Give him my love until I can give it to him and tell aaron I said hey.

Christy…what can I say??? J
Bye yall

Thursday, May 26



at least some of them. i probably wont be able to put them here so you will have to click on the link on the left that says photos. then click on the france album;


day 3

ok. yesterday...we went to the Louve museum. Its supposed to be one of the best in the world and it sure held its own. the place was absolutely huge and gorgeous. even if there wasnt a work of art, the building itself was worth paying to see. after we looked at all we could nside, me and chris layed on stone benches outside of the building in the shade, snacking, resting and listening to some girl sing opera and play the recorder while we also watched people walk arouind the baseball filed sized courtyard that had a beautiful waterfountain.

ya know what, i think i will stop describing things as beautiful; becasue pretty much everything here is. its lovely.

thats pretty much all we did yesterday besides walk another 20 miles. if you ever come here, make sure you have a map of where the subwat entrances are or else you will end up walking all day.

oh yeah. so far i havent found a place that will ley me download any programs so i can upload photos. i have got some pretty good ones i thiunk. would think that all the buildings here are worth taking a picture of. the people for the moist part walk really fast; they drive like maniacs. i dont know if all the streets even have lane lines. people drive little cars and motercycles or mopeds. i think the law here for crossing a street is: walk when it- tells you to, when its clear regardless, or if you can get by without getting killded :)

so far french people qrent "rude" to us like most people say; but then again, we" havent talked to them unless we have to, and when we do, it isnt much at all. unlike what most people say, we havent really run into anyone who can speak decent english either, so communication has been more difficult than we thought.

ehhh, errrr...i dont know what else to say except that i cant believe today is only day 4 out of 42. this is gonna be a long trip. well,

i guess i am out till next time. thanks for the comments tejay.

Tuesday, May 24


Holy Cow

Its almost midnight, i am tired and this place closes in 30 minutes. the keyboard letters qre all out of place so i am keepin this short. i will summarize;

offer for 700 euros to take next flight out on next day. tried but did not get it.

plane ride, hazede by 17 year old girls

i dont remember yesterday much, it runs with today.

today, saw eifle tower and other thing yall would know but i cant remember name. walked a miulion miles. i think my feet are hanging by my tendons;

late; i will try to post pics some other time

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