Monday, July 4


Such a Vibrant Thing

Wow, I didnt realize that I hadnt updated my blog in such a long time. Tonight is our last night in Greece as we take a ferry from the west coast to the east coast of Italy. From there we hope to catch a train to Milan or some place and then on to Paris, where our trip began.

But as for the past couple days since my last entry, well...its been a while.

We went to Crete for a day and one too many. We met a guy from Texas that looks like Matthew McConouhay (spelling, but who cares anyway). It was good talkin to him. He's been to a lot of places and had some pretty good stories. One that I remember was one he actually overheard from someone else. The basics of it was that a comet supposidly predicted thousands of years ago is going to just miss earth and scare everyone into socialism and its going to end capitalism. Funny, huh? After that story, we went to go see Batman with him too. I hope you guys have checked out the new pics I've posted b/c I put up some of the theatre we went it. Its a really nice place. Only downside is that they only show movies at night and they have intermissions, which was actually a little cool.

Then we went to Santorini, which used to be a volcanoe until it exploded. It left black beaches which we laid out on for a day, making ourselves even darker. Then we rode around on the island on a Moped, sometimes on the road, other time into bushes with huge thorns. I have the scars to prove it...ok ok, i used to at least, but it never felt good.

Then it was on to the island of Mykonos. WE stayed at this little party resort/hostel. Not our cup of tea but the beach was nice. It was pebble like most of the other ones we've been to, which I think I now prefer. They dont give you that nasty sandy feel and its much cleaner too. There we think we say Jaleel White driving on a moped too, ya know...Eurkel from Family Matters. Good times.

Now we're back in Athens getting ready to leave tomorrow morning. Today I had my last meal at the Greek fast food resteraunt called Goody's. Its the bomb!! Their Power burger is soo good. By far better than In-n-out, trust me. And we've also been talking to these Finish (Finland) girls all day too. They're blonde and really cool. They've helped pass the time. Really sarcastic too.

Anyway, hope everyone is doin alright. I know Mom is the only still reading this thing huh? hah, its alright though. I love you Mom! I cant wait to eat your cookin' again :)

Alright, laterrr

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