Thursday, June 2

Theres not really much to say about today, but i am at the hostel and there is nothing else to do.

we tried going to Cannes which is just about thirty minutes away, but the trains are on strike today, so we trired taking the bus, but it was gonna take too long just to lay in the sun, so we just decided to stay on the rocky beach here. Sandy beaches in Cannes would have been nice but this one did juts as well, i guess. we layaed out for about three hourss whils chris built a rockyy fortresst that included a place to worsship andmake sacrifices and also a wall. it was funny. then we just left because we all got roasted. i am pretty red but it doesnt hurt, so i think i will be okay.

more useless info...i had chilli and a bread stick for dinner tongiht. this hostel is spretty nice compared to the other ones, sos i hear. we haave a kitchen, free internet, and they haave cheap "drinks" that i dont tdrink. so i jut gottaa makae sure that i dont set my standrds too high for the resst we are gonna stay in because i have hearad some baad stories.

i just wannaa say thanaks for the comments too. yallg et to hear from me through t hiss but its also reallyyg ood to hear from the other side every o nce and a while. let me know whats goin on with yall.

later everyone

wow i miss you SO MUCH! wow come home....RIGHT NOW
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