Sunday, May 29


Rei and Mei's Adventures part deux

Well, yesterday we travelled through many train systems, bus routes(and not necessarily by bus) and backwoods to get to the Chateau of Versaille, my other favorite place so far to go along with the pantheon. Thinking this would be a repeat day of useless travel because it took us so long to find our way, we strolled up to the place hoping it would still be open, and thank the Lord, it was. We walked through the talk black and gold tipped metal gated fence that is lined throughout all of important places in Paris and up to the building itself on the uneven cobble stone ground. The building itself looked for the most part like other historical buildings we have seen, so we went straight to garden behind and to the right side of the place. Got a picture of that and then went to directly behind the place and got one of the coolest views I have seen since being here. The backyard went down into a valley where there was a long lake where people could pay 8 euros to row a boat in it. People were all around jogging and riding bikes too, so I guess they use it as a park too.

Oh, and a highlight that happened in the white lines up there that I left out was something that happened on the train on the way there. Its kind of a short story but still kinda good I think. Me and Mei were waiting on a train to get to versaille so when it came, we got on, even though we weren’t 100 percent sure it was going where we wanted it to take us. We get on and it unusually slowly pulls out and then finally stops. The conductor says something in French that of course we cant understand and then turns off the lights. So we are sitting there trapped, not knowing what to do. Then some guy goes walking by the train, ends up being the conductor and he takes us to another station he was going to anyway. It ended up being ok, but it worried us a little bit for a while.

The restaurant we went to for lunch said the people there spoke English, which was a lie; kind of. Our waiter understood when I said menu and omlet and that’s about it. Then half the food on their menu wasn’t available. For dinner we ate at a fast good place, but I cant remember its name, but it was good.

Then at midnight we hung out at the internet café talking to the owner and this guy we met a couple days ago that doesn’t have a job. The owner is from Cameroon and is now setting up a business in Dallas and our friend says he doesn’t have a job because he is lazy. But he is really into American pop culture. He is really into g-unit if any of you know what that is.

Anyway, Mei says I have written too much, and I probably have, so I will sign off for now.

Yo Jessie!! Sounds like your having a blast in Europe, I finally found your blog and myspace, so expect comments from your old roomie all the time. Hope your having a great time, don't get into any trouble now, ya hear??
ummm i am DEFINETLY jealous! i wanna be in Europe so bad right now im so boreddd! all im doin this summer is WORK WORK WORK! i miss you budyy
Hey Jessie! I am home now and you are not...what is this... well it looks like you are having a great time.. i am so glad... and you need to take a little less pictures of yourself ;-)
Hey Jess! So fun to hear all that you are doing there! It's funny how you can never remember where you've been or what it's called. It looks like fun though! Enjoy it while you can! :)It sounds like you have had some interesting experiences. Stay safe and eat more! :)
Oh sheesh. Sounds like the best time Mei your French girlfriend? Hehehe. Have even more fun!
Hey Jess. I finally found it. nice, pix. looks like you are having a good time. WRITE DOWN THE PLACES YOU'VE BEEN because you'll never remember by the time you get home. Be safe, don't get mugged, don't lose your passport...:)
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